Saturday, February 19, 2011

My Trip so Far!

So far my trip has been WILD! I have been to Kerville, TX and church and Mexican Restaurants and the Blue Man Group! Not to mention the rodeo and stock show! It was so awesome, y'all!!! Can't wait for the reenactment of the Alamo!
Hannah :)

Friday, February 18, 2011


Why the heck haven't I been writing? Well, here are my ever so tacky excuses...


Well, you couldn't really call the third excuse "tacky," but still... Wait, why am I calling myself tacky?!?! Whoa. Weird.
Anyways, I have traveled with my sister Lily to San Antonio, TX to hang with my lovely Papa and Mimi! So excited!!
Sorry, can't write much, but I'll keep you posted.
Love Love,
Hannah :)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Sorry, My dear Friends, that I have not been writing! But other than that, my $201.76 went straight into my bank account! 3 more orders... One by Friday, One by Tuesday, and One by the end of March! Woo-Hoo!

Blog L8R,

Friday, February 4, 2011

Yoga Party!

Oh my Gosh! Today, Friday, my mom's FINALLY having her yoga party, and my cupcakes are ready to go. This is my personal debut to the ADULTS. My "Om" cupcakes would probably be pretty nervous, if they were human, like me... Like everyone reading this post... If THEY had to show off their own creations, I bet they'd be shaking. But right now, they just went into mouths, like, RIGHT NOW! Everyone loves the cupcakes! Well, the couple of people that have tasted them so far... Wish me luck!

(*A.K.A Cupcake Queen and owner of Sweet, my cupcakery!)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Im so Excited!

I am a lightbulb. I am a lightbulb who had a snowday. I am a lightbulb that has a huge snowpile thanks to the snowplow. AND I WILL PLAY IN IT AS IF I'M A FIVE YEAR OLD :)


omgiggles!! its a SNOW DAY!!! I mean, I don't really know why until my mom told me... the roads. Too slippery to drive! (THANK YOU ROAD GODS!) I'm so pumped! I have my worker chick Charlotte here with me today to manage my cupcake business with me! YUMMMY! My interview with her follows.

Hannah: How do you like your job here?
Charlotte: Good... It is fun... WHEN YOU SHOVE CUPCAKES UP MY FACE!
Hannah: Okay...
Charlotte:Whaddya wanna talk about?
Hannah: Well, I wanna talk about how many orders we've raked in! Your thoughts?
Charlotte: I have to say Ricky (our classmate) is our highest ranked customer. Don't you agree?
Hannah: Yes I do. Well, that wraps up today. BYEBYE!

Charlotte: And, SCENE.